Thursday, December 29, 2011

End of 2011

Here I am at the end of 2011 and I have been absolutely horrible about keeping up with my blog. So my new years resolution will be to write something at least once a month, but aim for once every week or two!
I feel there is a need to update the world of what has been going on in the life of 19 year old Sophie Louise Johnson.
August: School ended at BYUI and I was able to go home and visit. It was the best month I have ever had at home in Mason Ohio. I spent a lot of time with family and friends. I treasured every moment I was there and leaving was a hard thing to do. Annie and I are closer than we have been in a long time. Benjamin and I had a great time together, we only fought once and that was at the end of my trip. Ben and I spent the most time together, which was exactly what I loved about it. Oliver, well he is just as cute as ever, growing up fast! Mom and I got to spend some good times bonding. We went on walks together with Libby and Pokie (Sophia), we organized pictures and reminisced on the past 19 years she has been my mom! Dad, well I just love him. We don't have to do anything when we are together, I just love spending time with him. I couldn't choose which member of my family I miss the most because they each are so dear to my heart! It was also nice to spend so much time with Alli Kyle April and Alex. I will cherish forever that month back home in Mason!
September: I moved to Salt Lake City. I was so happy for my trip to San Diego, but cried the entire plane ride because I already missed home. I will say now that San Diego was one of the funnest trips I have taken. Mindy's family are a hoot! It was laughs to spend time with them, and really started out my move into their home on a good start!
October: I started my job at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building! I have been so lucky to have amazing places to work and JSMB is one of them! I also started going to my new singles ward. HOW I LOVE THAT!! My bishop brick are amazing people, wives included! I am so blessed to be meeting such great people.
December:WORK WORK WORK!! Christmas came, I didnt go home. In past years I thought i recognized that family is what christmas is about, but this year took the cake. All those other years I had them, so it was hard to imagine a chirstmas without i know! I tried hard to be as happy as I could, and as greatness as I could but it was harder than i could have thought. I love my dads side of the family, but I am not as close to them as I would like. Needless to say I spent the day missing people and wishing I could be someplace else:(
That is the quick version on life. I have some great firends here, which is a big thing for me, I always have to have people I love around me for me to love where I am. I do love Salt Lake, only because of the people, but hey that's a start.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A post to hopefully begin further posts!

I know I have been so dreadful at posting. I mean Byui only got one post, not that I really want to relive that experience. So hopefully with this post I'll start posting more often. The reason I am so bad at posting in the resent months is due I the fact that I don't own a computer. Therefore making things very difficult. So I plan on getting on very soon and updating. Just know I have not forgotten about blogging and don't plan on forgetting to blog! I'll repost again in the next few weeks...I promise!! (:

Monday, July 18, 2011

BYU-I in a nutshell

I know, I haven't spent anytime updating my blog, and I hope to change that!
Well I survived 2 semesters at BYU-Idaho, and well its not for me. I have had a good time, met some great people, but in the end its not where I want to be. Maybe part of it has to do with the fact that I dont like being anywhere for too long, but that's only part of it. I am so ready to live my life to the fullest, and I recognize that getting out of here is the first step. Anyways I want to introduce you to some amazing people I have met here, and will be ohhh so sad to leave!
First off these were my first semester roommates, Lonni and Elsa. I also had another roommate but I didnt get along with her. Lonni and I became very close, and continue to keep in contact, even though she is now back in Colorado until coming back next Fall. I am sure I will see her in the next few months, and sooo glad to have met her!

These are my current roommates Jessie (Utah), and Emma (Illinois). I am so grateful to these girls. We have gone through hell together this semester (we had some major former roommate problems) and if it wasnt for these two girls I dont know where I would be!
The girls sitting on the couch are some of my closest friends. Unfortunately Mckenzy, who is in the back went back to Washington and I didnt get to know her very well. The girls on the couch are: (from Left to Right) Brooke, Me, Olivia, Lonni and Sam. I have also become EXTREEMLY close to Brooke (from Arizona) and Olivia (from Oregon). Sam is a great girl as well and she is from California!
This picture was taken on our last sunday together, today :( Well this is the gang. Krysta (Utah), Olivia, Leanda (London, England), Emma (Illinois), and Jessie (Utah). Emma and Jessie are my current roommates!
This was one of my favorite dinners. Aly, Erika, and Brooke (all from Gilbert Arizona) invited us to dinner. They have been some of the greatest strength to me over the past semesters! I will miss them!

All I have to say is these boys are a few of my favorites!! Tyler, Stirling, and Travis! They add joy and laughter to my life! :)
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dont judge a book by its cover.

Thats the line that people have always said to me, its one of those sayings that you hear but you dont necessarily take it to heart! Thats the number one lesson that i have learnt while living in London.
I have met so many interesting people. Each person in their own way has changed me for the better and left a lasting impression.
The first way i met people was through work. At first i was a bit afraid of becoming friends with people who had such different views as my own. Interestingly enough though, I learnt really fast not to judge them. As i got to know them i saw past all of the things that dont Aline with my values. I saw them for their inner self. A gift that im grateful to have. Through being friends with this group, of non lds members, I've learnt so much about myself. I've learnt that I can hold strong to my values, and that the church is an important part of my life that i could never live without!
Strangly I didnt start hanging around many church members until about 4 months after first arriving in london. Eliza and I were instant friends, and a few others i kept in contact with, but for the most part I didnt have a nitch in the singles ward.
As time went on I decided to take a more active role in the ward. I started going to FHE, Institute, and Dances. Thats how i met the "crew": Vanessa, Dan, Pug, Andre, Allen, Trey, Jared, Erika, Anders and many others. As I get to know each of them my out look changes! They are the ones that helped me to realize what i have learnt. In fact, after today I was given the reaffirming nudge that im on the right path.
The experience started yesterday, saturday 13 Nov, two of my friends and i were planning on going to the movies, I suggested a few that sounded interesting not only to me but ones i could see them liking. One of them had already seen both of those movies so asked us if we wanted to see the film "Let Me In", not only am I TERRIFIED of horror films, but im also very limited on which films i watch. This one i happen to know has the rating "R" in the states. I had to get up the courage to tell them that I would not be seeing that film and id be happy to see anything else! Well it ended up being only 2 of us, there wasnt anything else playing, but in the end The Social Network was GREAT!
I knew that since i hang out with a bunch of boys i was going to be hearing about this for a few days, teasing was maybe never going to end! I prepared myself for the worse, instead i was given the biggest complement, One of the boy at first did tease me, but in the end he told me that he really respected me for not allowing my values to be compromised!
I wanted to hug him, here i was totally worried about what others were thinking, and i was forgetting my motto:
"In the end I'm not going to have to live with what they think of me, but what i think of myself!" To add to that "In the end I'm not going to have to live with what they think of me, but what i think of myself and what i want to be for my heavenly father!"
That moment was so big for me. That moment I realized that by responding in that way to a friend, who I have loads of respect for, I not only gained respect but I made the best decision in my Heavenly Fathers Eyes!
What and incredible week! =]

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Facebook? Cell Phones? Internet? Whats that? Im in Scotland!

Like i said Scotland was in all repects relaxing, but close to the boring side. So for that reason im glad i took a plane and only stayed for the weekend!
But wow the memories came flooding back! I loved when i was able to walk with the dog down the lane and remember all the times id done that same walk!
I heard all the same stories from my Omi and remmbered all the funny old fokes that ive known since birth!
But what made me so happy was thinking about my next visit to the cabin, who will i be with? Im sure that that was probably my last trip to scotland alone with my grandparents!

Italy in Four Parts!


Nina and I really had an adventure. What started out as something that could have been dreadful turned into something more spectacular than i could have imagined!
Nina got REALLY sick a week before leaving. Praying for the best i tried to find a friend to take her place if needed, but at the last moment she pulled through!

We got on our plane and flew into Pisa. That first night was so funny, we thou gt we would explore the city and see the leaning tower in its glory that night with all the lights. It wasn't so, the two of us got lost and ended up not getting into bed till close to midnight, one am London time! All worked out because the next morning we spent the day in Pisa, we even climbed the tower. That was only the beginning of our climbing in Italy!

From Pisa we took a train to Florence, btw if you do ever take a train in italy remember to stamp your ticket before boarding, you don't want to have to pay the fine! (we learnt that the hard way!) What a beautiful city Florence is! I loved all the side streets and the markets were amazing! Like i said before we did a lot of climbing, in Florence Nina took us up the wrong hill, only to have to walk back down and up the larger hill next to it! To top it off it was SO HOT! The view was spectacular though!

With the help of a bus we arrived in Sienna, what a quaint little city! It was so cute. Have you ever seen the movie A Room With A View? well Let me just tell you our little hotel was exactly that! It was so cute, and when you looked out the shutters you could see into the center of the city! But just our luck it was sitting on top a hill ;)

The mad man that took us to Rome on the bus was NUTTY! Yelling, SCREAMING, HONKING, and all the while speaking Italian which btw I KNOW NONE OF! (quite difficult when one is trying to order a meal!) So once in Rome we walked to a bike rental place, there we hired bikes to see the city! Best choice, we arrived on a Sunday, so we were able to ride on all the streets with NO traffic, because they are all blocked off on sundays! If it wasnt for the bikes we would never have seen the entire city in 3 days! It was all so great! I could go on for hours, i was quite blown away! Last note about Rome is, its built on 7 hills! hahahaha

I'm so grateful for the trip, i couldnt have asked for a better holiday. Nina is such a great aunt, and it was so fun to bond with her on that great trip we had been planning for years!

It wasn't relaxing, but that was what Scotland was planned for...