Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dont judge a book by its cover.

Thats the line that people have always said to me, its one of those sayings that you hear but you dont necessarily take it to heart! Thats the number one lesson that i have learnt while living in London.
I have met so many interesting people. Each person in their own way has changed me for the better and left a lasting impression.
The first way i met people was through work. At first i was a bit afraid of becoming friends with people who had such different views as my own. Interestingly enough though, I learnt really fast not to judge them. As i got to know them i saw past all of the things that dont Aline with my values. I saw them for their inner self. A gift that im grateful to have. Through being friends with this group, of non lds members, I've learnt so much about myself. I've learnt that I can hold strong to my values, and that the church is an important part of my life that i could never live without!
Strangly I didnt start hanging around many church members until about 4 months after first arriving in london. Eliza and I were instant friends, and a few others i kept in contact with, but for the most part I didnt have a nitch in the singles ward.
As time went on I decided to take a more active role in the ward. I started going to FHE, Institute, and Dances. Thats how i met the "crew": Vanessa, Dan, Pug, Andre, Allen, Trey, Jared, Erika, Anders and many others. As I get to know each of them my out look changes! They are the ones that helped me to realize what i have learnt. In fact, after today I was given the reaffirming nudge that im on the right path.
The experience started yesterday, saturday 13 Nov, two of my friends and i were planning on going to the movies, I suggested a few that sounded interesting not only to me but ones i could see them liking. One of them had already seen both of those movies so asked us if we wanted to see the film "Let Me In", not only am I TERRIFIED of horror films, but im also very limited on which films i watch. This one i happen to know has the rating "R" in the states. I had to get up the courage to tell them that I would not be seeing that film and id be happy to see anything else! Well it ended up being only 2 of us, there wasnt anything else playing, but in the end The Social Network was GREAT!
I knew that since i hang out with a bunch of boys i was going to be hearing about this for a few days, teasing was maybe never going to end! I prepared myself for the worse, instead i was given the biggest complement, One of the boy at first did tease me, but in the end he told me that he really respected me for not allowing my values to be compromised!
I wanted to hug him, here i was totally worried about what others were thinking, and i was forgetting my motto:
"In the end I'm not going to have to live with what they think of me, but what i think of myself!" To add to that "In the end I'm not going to have to live with what they think of me, but what i think of myself and what i want to be for my heavenly father!"
That moment was so big for me. That moment I realized that by responding in that way to a friend, who I have loads of respect for, I not only gained respect but I made the best decision in my Heavenly Fathers Eyes!
What and incredible week! =]

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