Monday, July 18, 2011

BYU-I in a nutshell

I know, I haven't spent anytime updating my blog, and I hope to change that!
Well I survived 2 semesters at BYU-Idaho, and well its not for me. I have had a good time, met some great people, but in the end its not where I want to be. Maybe part of it has to do with the fact that I dont like being anywhere for too long, but that's only part of it. I am so ready to live my life to the fullest, and I recognize that getting out of here is the first step. Anyways I want to introduce you to some amazing people I have met here, and will be ohhh so sad to leave!
First off these were my first semester roommates, Lonni and Elsa. I also had another roommate but I didnt get along with her. Lonni and I became very close, and continue to keep in contact, even though she is now back in Colorado until coming back next Fall. I am sure I will see her in the next few months, and sooo glad to have met her!

These are my current roommates Jessie (Utah), and Emma (Illinois). I am so grateful to these girls. We have gone through hell together this semester (we had some major former roommate problems) and if it wasnt for these two girls I dont know where I would be!
The girls sitting on the couch are some of my closest friends. Unfortunately Mckenzy, who is in the back went back to Washington and I didnt get to know her very well. The girls on the couch are: (from Left to Right) Brooke, Me, Olivia, Lonni and Sam. I have also become EXTREEMLY close to Brooke (from Arizona) and Olivia (from Oregon). Sam is a great girl as well and she is from California!
This picture was taken on our last sunday together, today :( Well this is the gang. Krysta (Utah), Olivia, Leanda (London, England), Emma (Illinois), and Jessie (Utah). Emma and Jessie are my current roommates!
This was one of my favorite dinners. Aly, Erika, and Brooke (all from Gilbert Arizona) invited us to dinner. They have been some of the greatest strength to me over the past semesters! I will miss them!

All I have to say is these boys are a few of my favorites!! Tyler, Stirling, and Travis! They add joy and laughter to my life! :)
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