Thursday, December 29, 2011

End of 2011

Here I am at the end of 2011 and I have been absolutely horrible about keeping up with my blog. So my new years resolution will be to write something at least once a month, but aim for once every week or two!
I feel there is a need to update the world of what has been going on in the life of 19 year old Sophie Louise Johnson.
August: School ended at BYUI and I was able to go home and visit. It was the best month I have ever had at home in Mason Ohio. I spent a lot of time with family and friends. I treasured every moment I was there and leaving was a hard thing to do. Annie and I are closer than we have been in a long time. Benjamin and I had a great time together, we only fought once and that was at the end of my trip. Ben and I spent the most time together, which was exactly what I loved about it. Oliver, well he is just as cute as ever, growing up fast! Mom and I got to spend some good times bonding. We went on walks together with Libby and Pokie (Sophia), we organized pictures and reminisced on the past 19 years she has been my mom! Dad, well I just love him. We don't have to do anything when we are together, I just love spending time with him. I couldn't choose which member of my family I miss the most because they each are so dear to my heart! It was also nice to spend so much time with Alli Kyle April and Alex. I will cherish forever that month back home in Mason!
September: I moved to Salt Lake City. I was so happy for my trip to San Diego, but cried the entire plane ride because I already missed home. I will say now that San Diego was one of the funnest trips I have taken. Mindy's family are a hoot! It was laughs to spend time with them, and really started out my move into their home on a good start!
October: I started my job at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building! I have been so lucky to have amazing places to work and JSMB is one of them! I also started going to my new singles ward. HOW I LOVE THAT!! My bishop brick are amazing people, wives included! I am so blessed to be meeting such great people.
December:WORK WORK WORK!! Christmas came, I didnt go home. In past years I thought i recognized that family is what christmas is about, but this year took the cake. All those other years I had them, so it was hard to imagine a chirstmas without i know! I tried hard to be as happy as I could, and as greatness as I could but it was harder than i could have thought. I love my dads side of the family, but I am not as close to them as I would like. Needless to say I spent the day missing people and wishing I could be someplace else:(
That is the quick version on life. I have some great firends here, which is a big thing for me, I always have to have people I love around me for me to love where I am. I do love Salt Lake, only because of the people, but hey that's a start.

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