Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last weend of SEN10R year!

For the last week of senior year instead of spending it laying out by the pool, I went with: Dani Bartlet, Courtney Manwaring and, Amy Davis, up to Kirtland Ohio for Zions Camp. No better way to spend the last weekend of my Senior year than with a spiritually uplifting experience right? It was a really cool weekend, that's for sure. The talks all seemed to have some sort of message that I was was able to take from it. Being a light, and an example to others (often being just the light and happiness shining in my eyes). The Knowledge that angles are with me and that they are cheering me on as i go through my life. The talks all had messages that I took from them. I also got to have the opportunity to serve with my friends, at first I can say we were hesitant, because we were...but as we worked the struggles turned into something that was so enjoyable I will forever remember it! We had Sacrament Meeting in the Kirtland Temple, and I sang in the choir, although the seats were the most uncomfortable seats imaginable, I felt the spirit and loved singing the hymn "The Spirit of God" (a tradition, because it was written for the dedication of the Kirtland Temple.)
Memorial day was the next day after the weekend I spent in Kirtand, that gave me a chance to hangout with my family and also spend some last moments with Kyle and Alli. The family decided to go to "The Taste of Cinci" I had a good time with the family getting lunch and watching Ollie and Annie go through the obstacle coarse the 100 year of Scouting provided. (ollie looked so cute in his tiger cub uniform)
Alli took me to BW3's for dinner, because I have never gone, YUMMY! We then went with Kyle to see Mike Nakata. HOW SAD! He is leaving to go to Huston Texas, and I won't see him in a really really long time, because I leave for England before he comes back to visit!
I really hope to spend lots of time making memories with my friends and family, and until I leave I guess that is what my blog is going to consist of, my friends and the memories we are making!:D

Dani, Amy and I at the temple :D

Us girls with the fruit of our labors :D

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